As we begin a new year most people rightfully develop resolutions and this practice is quite old and established. Whilst its existence is old it is the one thing that despite the rate at which we fail to honour or achieve the resolutions we continue to embark on this journey.

I am one of the people who continue this practice as; I believe a new year means new beginnings. It is a time of self-renewal and how best to usher in the New Year without embarking on a journey of self-reflection and set yourself on a new and rewarding path.

I have over the years realized that resolutions must be based on something. Some people argue that these must be congruent with your personal values and goals otherwise they are not worth the paper they are written on. They must be in line with your purpose in life and be simply stepping stones towards a bigger role.

In recent years I simply annually review my personal mission statement. Most organisations and companies we work for have mission statements and somehow we fail to develop such for ME Inc. (ourselves). Unless we know and connect with our own unique purpose we run a risk of drawing up hollow and useless resolutions.

Many scholars of leadership and personal development practitioners are in agreement that unless you define and articulate what you are all about, what drives you or what does success look like to you then your life will be in vain and your resolutions will be continuously broken.

As we usher in 2015 I would like to invite you to adopt this more sustainable basis for resolutions by developing a personal mission statement. A personal mission statement gives you direction and a better reason for being. I developed mine four years ago and I review it annually and identify key actions/steps that I need to undertake in that year which will bring me closer to fulfill my purpose. I also review activities or incidents that I undertook in the previous year that were either not in line with my mission or did not contribute to the attainment thereof.

Just to share a few personal mission statements:

Oprah – “ To be a teacher and to be known for inspiring my students to be more than they thought they could be”

Richard Branson – “To have fun in (my) journey through life and learn from (my) mistakes”

Amanda Steinberg – “To use my gifts of intelligence and charisma and serial optimism to cultivate the self worth and net worth of women around the world?

My own mission is closer to Amanda Steinberg’s hence as part of the fulfillment of my purpose I host the women in leadership conference. The women in Leadership Conference is happening again in 2015 and to find out more click here –

Come join us and network; share experiences; learn survival tools and of course develop your own mission statement.

Pam the Coach

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  1. Its is true for if we dont have a vision we will simply parish loose identity of who we are and what is our purpose in this planet. This has not to be determined by circumstances but should pulls us through circumstances.

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