Show some love

love 2020

February is known as the month of love. Valentine’s Day falls in this month and the shops are filled with various commodities or symbols of love.

I am often unsure on how to respond to the big hype around this month. Some years I am cynical and others I embrace it. To put it crudely I blow hot and cold. Sometimes I debate whether or not it is correct for me to be ambivalent or should I stand firm like the rest of world and celebrate.

This year I have chosen to make a big deal out of it… I have chosen to be open to receiving and giving love, whilst remembering that self-love is at the core of this. I have chosen to make a big deal out of it, because I think us women we need to be celebrated and be showered with affection. After all, we deserve it.

The question is then how do I show love to my sisters during this time? I have decided to offer 10 copies of my book (Women and Leadership – Conversations that Matter) to 10 deserving women. To even show more love I have decided to sponsor the courier costs of the book. All in the spirit of generosity!!! I think it is a small token of appreciation to my sisters who have continued to hold the knife from the sharp end whilst nurturing their loved ones.

The first 10 women who recommend 10 other sisters to join the pamthecoach Facebook group; will each get an autographed copy. Do you see how this works?… I show love….You in turn show love to 10 other women by inviting them to join the group of like minded women. When we are done….110 Women would have benefited something in one way or the other.

In ending my blog this week I leave you with a quote…”I fell in love with you because of the million things you never knew you were doing” – Anonymous

Many women/sisters do a million things to keep nations; organizations; families and relationships together without even expecting anything in return; recognition or compensation as these things come naturally to them. Many women/sisters are the glue that hold society together and they selflessly play this role.

This Valentine’s Day I want to hon our and salute women/sisters and say we see you and we feel you and continue to illuminate the world. Continue to represent what is best about humanity. Finally continue to be the beacons of hope.

“Love is the greatest force in the universe. It is the heartbeat of the moral cosmos. He who loves is a participant in the being of God” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Happy Valentines Day!

With love…

Pam the coach

Effective leadership is a journey, not a destination. It requires continuous learning and growth. If you’re passionate about developing your leadership potential and making a positive impact on your organization, our coaching and training programs can provide the guidance and support you need. Let us help you unlock your leadership potential.

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