Holidays are meant to be relaxing and enjoyable yeah!!!! Well, my last one to Italy was enjoyable and less relaxing. Don’t get me wrong I really enjoyed myself thoroughly however I had to walk a lot.
The walking part revealed how unfit I was and how much extra weight I was carrying (how we got here, it’s a story for another day). At home, I was so used to getting into the car and driving or calling an Uber and whilst these options were available too; they were a little expensive. Which meant that one had to walk for survival.
This is not a blog about fitness so I won’t talk about the benefits of walking but what was evident to me was that I needed to join the club and be on a walking parade and here I am, I survived and added significant bankable miles to my health and wellbeing. So I did not die nor collapse but instead came back determined to walk more and be more for myself. As Mandela once said, “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
This brings me to a discussion about comfort zones. As human beings, we tend to be creatures of habit and oftentimes reluctant to face our nemesis. We rob ourselves of the opportunity to break new ground and learn more about our own resilience.
Why is that though? Well, it’s about fear. Stepping out of our comfort zone can be scary and here’s the thing, sometimes our success is on the other side of fear. We can be very bold in our state of fear and masquerade it in all ways. So we need to unburden ourselves and step forward.
How do we step forward? I have three tips on this blog which are taken directly from Shawn Macfadden and these are:
- If you don’t go after what you want then you will never get it.
- If you don’t ask the answer is always No.
- If you don’t step forward then you will always remain in the same place.
Our comfort zones can feel safe, but they can also hold us back from reaching our full potential. This is especially true for women leaders who may face unique challenges and biases. Here at Zenande Leadership, we understand the importance of embracing discomfort and developing the courage to step outside your comfort zone. Through our women leadership coaching programs, we equip women leaders with the tools and strategies they need to overcome self-doubt, navigate challenging situations, and achieve their goals.
Don’t let fear hold you back from the success that awaits you on the other side. Invest in yourself and take the first step towards becoming the leader you were meant to be.
Back to Italy and walking. If you don’t walk, you will never enjoy the Italian tourist and cultural wonders so guess what my motto is as I stay here, Keep Walking!!!!!
Ciao bella!!!!
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