TRUE ADVENTURE: Embracing What You’ve Skillfully Avoided Until Now

Avoidant behaviours such as always being late, procrastinating, not taking calls and missing doctor’s check-up appointments are examples of the subtle means people adopt to side step issues and situations.

Often underlying these behaviours are deep-rooted fears. The fears can stem from a number of reasons – fear of rejection; fear of being the centre of attention and sometimes a fear of being successful.

As I am writing this piece, I am reminded of President Mandela’s quote in his inauguration speech where he quotes Marianne Williamson and says: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous…”

Often our worst enemy is ourselves and we sell ourselves short and doubt our abilities. Our fear of failing or even making a mistake stands in the way. It is only when we conquer our deeply-held limiting beliefs and give ourselves permission to act on our dreams and desires that we can liberate ourselves.

We need to claim our stake on success and dispel the myth that the pursuance of happiness and success is a bad word. Robin Sharma defines success as “… a creative pursuit and a reflection of a healthy self-esteem.”

Zenande Leadership has recently launched a Women in Leadership Program (WOLEAP). As part of the program we work with individuals to address their limiting beliefs and fears of success. Our network of coaches and mentors work with people to unleash their potential and help them work on achieving their dreams.

As we celebrate Mother’s Day let us remember Robin Sharma’s quote above as often our Mothers believe in us a lot more than we do. They often instill in us, from a very tender age, that we possess the ingredients for success and they are always there to support and encourage us. This Mother’s Day let us honour our Mothers by stepping up and leaping forward.

Happy Mother’s Day

Pam the Coach

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