Money, the economy and me…

piggy bank 2

Yeah, the title is right for my usual fortnightly blog. I did not mistakenly write this article for the wrong publication. The title is deliberately chosen to invoke a feeling. Before I start, I need you to stop and take a deep breath and honestly ask yourself the question… ‘’How does the topic of money and the economy resonate with me?’’

Many of us do not even read the financial journals or newspapers. The headline does not even catch your eye…. Do you know why? Let me guess… Because ‘’we don’t wanna go there…it’s for the accountants, or it’s for the economists’’. Is it really? Alternatively, ‘’It’s too painful to go there as that could be opening a can of worms’’.

We transact every day and yet we are oblivious to what goes on around money and the economy. It is not for us but at a practical level our salaries increasingly do not last for long; we can buy less food with the same amount of money or the price of fuel is rising and we are often out of gas to get to work or visit friends and family.

I am not writing this as a way of judging or admonishing you; on the contrary, this article is about shining the spotlight on what is happening around us. It is also to shine a spotlight on our relationship with money. This is very important for women because we are natural nurturers and we tend to use our money as an extension of who we are; what is our worth or as our love language.

It is not rocket science to figure out that our economy is in pretty bad shape, and that there is less and less money in circulation or within our family circles. Do you ever pause and ask yourself, what does it mean? Or what does it mean for our relationships and ways of being?’’ Or have we decided to suffer in silence, borrow some more so that we can sustain our lifestyles and more importantly our relationships?

This article is the first in a series that I will be writing on the subject of money. My first objective is to just raise some level of awareness and curiosity about who we are around money and more importantly what is our belief system around it. Let me ask a few questions to start. Please adopt a curious stance and seek to understand without negative self-judgement. Further do not expect an Economics lecture but a journey towards awakening our beings about money as a form of energy. Here are the questions:

  • Do we regard it as a form of energy or something that illuminates relationships or our sense of being or is it more than that?
  • Do we regard money as evil and therefore as good citizens choose not to engage on either its scarcity or abundance?
  • Do we regard money as an enigma in our lives and choose not to know how much we generate; what we use it for and under what circumstances?

Last week Statistics SA published a very concerning outlook about our economic performance as a country. Did we even notice? Please go back and find out as part of the curiosity journey. We cannot solve that we do not know and I invite you on a fact-finding mission that I will also be walking in the next couple of months.

Do you wanna join? See you next time!!!!

Pam the Coach

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2 thoughts on “Money, the economy and me…”

  1. Bongani Mbewu

    Thank you sisi Pam for the insight. It’s really interesting. The economy is indeed in a pretty bad shape and has been since 2008. The plum years are indeed something of the past. It’s the responsibility of each of us to reflect on where we are, where we are going, how to get there, what changes we need to make to get where we are going.

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