I live in South Africa, where in the last year or so there have been profound levels of change and uncertainty. Looking into the future, there is an increasing amount of anxiety around dinner tables and people asking what has now become the familiar question – “What is going to happen?” I sometimes wish that I had a crystal ball and could answer eloquently and with a heightened sense of wisdom.
The more I am posed with this question, the more I see the need to reflect and try and answer it. Primarily for myself but more importantly for the people that I socialize with, be it family, friends, clients and/or possible business partners. It has now become customary and expected at many of social engagements that one has to provide an answer. Writing this blog is an attempt to answer the question personally and by grace I hope to reach and influence others.
“If one thing is certain, times are uncertain. Still everyone wants a path to success.” Kevin J Daum.
As humans, we are all of on a quest to succeed and find happiness whatever the prevailing circumstances might be. It is the one thing that probably separates us, as humans (at least in my belief system)… The one thing that distinguishes us from our co-inhabitants on planet Earth. We are always in search of success, happiness and more importantly ‘meaning and purpose’. We seek to make a difference and leave some sort of legacy.
How do you do this in times of uncertainty? How do you lead yourself and others through this often complex and volatile world? With this blog, I will attempt to answer those questions, as I am not one who likes to live by chance or meander around aimlessly without a plan. Some people believe that sometimes “no plan is the best plan.” To me, this is a higher level of consciousness and I must admit I am not yet there. I understand what ‘surrender’ is, and often times I wish that I would develop the competence to ‘give over to a higher self’ or the universe… But I personally struggle to implement this in my own life. I do however ask that you indulge me and allow me to share my thoughts in this regard.
Before I do that, I would like to refer you to a YouTube interview with Satya Twena in Gerard Adams on ‘Leaders Create Leaders’. A big part of me is fascinated by Satya Twena’s story. She came to America/New York with no job, no money and no plan on what she is going to do and today she is running a very successful hat factory. I encourage you to find this clip as her journey and story is very inspiring. However, her starting point might be a little unnerving for someone who is as risk averse as I am.
Let me share some tips for you to ponder and engage on:
- Embrace change and learn to ride the wave – as indicated change and uncertainty is as certain as the fact that the sun will rise from the east and set in the west. It does not help if you do not anticipate and prepare for this eventuality. A time of volatility and uncertainty can be the best time to prepare adaptation strategies, reinvent yourself, and diversify your offerings. Remember everyone is looking for an answer or a solution so dig deep think out of the box and provide workable solutions that will give you a competitive advantage. Remember, the more uncertainty there more people would be looking for “how to’’ solutions – Ride the wave and be the go-to person during these times.
- Be focused and stay on course – to make it in these times we need clear dreams and goals that will remain our compass to find our true north or organisational mission. This is not the time to go for shortcuts however, it is the time to sharpen our resolve to dream big and relentlessly pursue the mission as if our dreams and goals are congruent with who we are and offer the much-desired solutions. So how do you justify using setbacks and life challenges to derail you? Keep moving and continuously put one foot in front of the other!!! Be purposeful, remain focused and before you know it, you will have climbed a mountain! My daily affirmation in these times is – “keeping it moving”.
- Be grateful and celebrate success – Being grateful for how far you have come is a great motivator for dealing with uncertainty. Count your blessings and as you do this daily, you will be amazed at how much you have achieved and marvel at all the great things that you have to offer. I keep a gratitude journal and when the chips are down I go back to it. Often I realise how far I have come and how giving up will be throwing away all of those gains. Of course, the small celebrations (in economically challenging times, even a cup of cappuccino as a treat!!) are a great motivator for individuals and teams.
Leading in uncertain times requires a lot of personal resilience and inner strength! However, there is nothing that tastes as sweet as a victory once you have weathered the storm.
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I don’t know how do u do it really !!giving us hope”riding in the wave as we embrace change”.I really found this blog relavent both at a personal situation and at a professional level.keep it up,for the sake of women leaders in this uncertain times, changing world.
The most important part for me is “learning to ride the wave” and “remain focussed and stay on course”. It’s so easy to lose focus and to give up on your journey when things are not going according to plan. Hang in there. Maintain your vision. Don’t give up.