The 1st of September ushered a new season – a season of awakening – yes the spring season. Some people use this time to reveal their spring bodies which they have been working on throughout the winter and gloomy season. Some people see spring as a rude awakening i.e. a time to regroup and prepare for summer and come the holidays they have the bodies to die for. Our roads are full of runners; gyms are offering nice and cheap packages and the season has begun to effect changes for the better. These are changes in the physical make-up and what if we could use the same amount of energy and work on a different part of our being i.e. our self-esteem?
In psychology and sociology literature; self-esteem reflects a person’s overall subjective emotional evaluation or his or her own self worth. It is a judgement of oneself as well as an attitude towards oneself. Psychology Today – argued that possessing little self-regard can lead people to become depressed or fall short of their potential or to tolerate abusive situations and relationships.
The question is can you use this season to ‘spring clean’ your self-esteem. To use the next 2 months as it were to a new or improved sense of well-being? Can you unlock your in built personal reservoirs to reveal a well toned and in shape you so that you unlock your true potential. Sometimes how we feel about ourselves stands in the way of fulfilling our dreams and ambitions.
Our research indicates that there exist at least 9 ways you can spring-clean your self esteem. These are: Self perception; the role of external influences; handling of feedback; practice of judging; positive thinking; self-acceptance; demands on self and ability to reflect and reenergise.
Zenande is offering you the opportunity to use this time to spring clean your self-esteem. We are offering a 9 weeks free online programme with questions and exercises for you to work on for 9 weeks. This content is delivered to your email address week for the next 9 weeks for Free – yes for Free. All you have to do is register by sending an email to with a subject matter ‘spring awakening’ and your content will be delivered to your email address every week.
“Self-esteem is made up primarily of two things: feeling lovable and feeling capable” (Jack Canfield).
Remember to drop off an email to and we are in business
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I want to spring clean my self esteem and thanks for this platform
Hi Mavathi – somehow we missed this and we will send you the material from tomorrow. We are in week 2 so you have not lost much. Thanks
This is just the perceft answer for all of us
wow . How can I miss such an opportunity to rekindle my self esteem.? Count me in. Thank you for such an opportunity.