The Big Bang Theory!

We are in the last week of January and I can’t believe how fast this first month has gone. A lot of people refer to January as the longest month of the year and this is informed largely by the cash flow situation which is often created by the overindulgence during the festive holidays. Often the anxiety passes very quickly and the excitement of a chance to rewrite the script surpasses any tinge of regret.


I like the re-framing attitude and spirit that often permeates society. The narrative quickly changes to that of new beginnings and the opportunity this brings. To be honest we can spend our lives self-beating and regretting the past and certainly, I do not subscribe to this approach. Life is to be celebrated and enjoyed and yes sometimes we can overdo it but we learn and move on. We cannot be stuck in what could have been we need to quickly move to what is possible.

I am a bit apprehensive about this month ending, as it has suddenly dawned on me that a whole month is gone and I am not where I should be in terms of execution of my 2019 plans. They are indeed quite ambitious plans to think of it but a big part of me likes the drive and living on the edge. It does feed an internal need, whilst at the same opening up a personal growth point. Well… that is a topic for another day.

Coming to what I want to share today and that is to embed the concept of personal goal setting. I am spending time on this topic in the upcoming Facebook Lives sessions starting this Tuesday the 29th until the 31st of January at 19h30 to 20h00. I find this an exciting topic and liberating depending on your perspective. There are two schools of thought in this regard as some people don’t see the need. I belong to a different school, as for me it is a way of turning my dreams and ambitions into concrete and measurable actions. It’s a way of holding myself accountable to me. I find when I accomplish my goals, I get incredibly motivated to be more and be more.

Over the years I have learnt a few things about setting personal goals and these are:

  • My goals must be linked and congruent to my values otherwise they would be less about me and what I stand for.
  • My second biggest lesson is that I need to run my own race so my goals are uniquely me and much more authentic.
  • I have also learnt that I need to pace things realistically so that they can be achievable and motivating.
  • Finally, and more importantly, I need to be grateful for every step and I invest time in counting my blessings throughout the journey.

As I begin 2019, I have set goals for myself, my business and my general well-being. I have a 2019 road map and I need to honour these. By honouring the goals, I am also honouring myself and I like that! It’s an act of self-respect and self-love. I am excited about what I have for you as my friends and clients and watch this space there is going to be milestones achieved, announcements made and champagne galore!! I claim personal success for all of us based on personal goals.

Cheers and happy goal-setting

P.S. See you at the Facebook live sessions as we begin 2019 with a bang!!

Pam the Coach

Investing in leadership development is an investment in your organization’s future. Our coaching and training programs offer practical, results-oriented solutions to today’s leadership challenges. By partnering with us, you’ll gain the confidence and skills to navigate complexity, build high-performing teams, and drive organizational success. Ready to transform your leadership?

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