Time to pull over


We have just celebrated Easter weekend or Passover and the key message from the government is “Arrive alive”. We all know what that means as travellers and holidaymakers, but do we know what that means for our lives; careers etc?

I was reading one of Mel Robbins books recently and as she likens our life journey to a road trip, she makes a very big argument about the need to pull over. She is advocating for a moment to pause and reflect on where we are and where we are going.

As I was reflecting very deeply on her arguments, I felt that she is talking to me. That one has spent most of her time chasing a deadline; wanting to be ahead of the curve and I find myself thinking “Where to my dearest”? As I reflected on this and in thinking about last week’s blog on defining success I asked myself again the same question from a different angle…what does success look like for me?

I cannot answer these questions if I am running around from one meeting to the next or travelling from one city to the next. I need to find a moment to pause and reflect….as they say when nothing makes sense or things are not working in your favour the temptation is to push hard but as Mel Robbins says it is time to pull over”.

As a coach, I have tools to help clients press the reset button and should you be interested in discussing this further, drop me an email at pam@zenandeleadership.com with the subject matter: Time to pull over.

For now, remember the quote “If the sea can calm itself; so can you. We are both salt water mixed with air”. Nayyirah Waheed.

Let me end this blog with two last questions:

  • What will it take for you to take a moment to just be and do nothing?
  • What will it take for you to pause and go inside and seek the wisdom of your inner soul?

Until next time!!

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

Pam the Coach

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